Here a few examples of some photos, I decided to put forward these as a front cover especially the one of the model under the tree sitting down and the longer shots as more of a double page spread examples rather than a front page because they aren't close enough to be a front page photo, also some of them aren't portrait. I therefore have to get the Mise-En-Scene right, like not having so many leafs around and ensuring you can't see the brick wall in some of the photos. However after thinking off the cover lines and the angle and how where the model is facing I think there are more appropriate photos.
Here is a screen grab of my model ones photo, although I took approx 200 photos I decided to pick the more appropriate ones and screen grabbed to show the final selection after looking through, however I found that some of the photos I did take are more appropriate for a double page spread.
I then broke it down to the next few photos for a Front page photo I will then chose between the next few and edit them to see which ones are most appropriate :
I will cut out the Model from the photo using the quick selection tool, this will make her the main focus off the page.
For my second Model I again took approx 80-100 photos then narrowed them down to the following photos and took a screen grab as evidence the following photos will be used in the contents page:
Again I edited some of the photos then narrowed them down to the following:
Here are the my ideas for a double page spread photo, I chose two of my favourites because I felt that they had the best lighting, and would capture the feel of an indie magazine the most:
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